Let’s face it, managing the rush of calls during peak times can feel like trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle. On a tightrope. Over a pit of alligators. But fear not we’re here to equip you with the strategies and tools you need to not just survive, but thrive this summer.

The high season hustle: understanding the challenge

Before we dive into solutions, let’s take a moment to acknowledge the beast we’re dealing with. High season in the field service industry is no joke. It’s a time when everyone’s AC decides to throw in the towel, pipes choose to burst, and electrical systems seem to develop a mind of their own – all at once.

As a dispatcher, you’re at the frontline of this chaos. You’re the voice of calm in the storm, the master of schedules, and the keeper of customer satisfaction. But when the calls start pouring in faster than you can say “HVAC emergency,” even the most seasoned professionals can feel overwhelmed.

The stakes are high. Every call represents a customer in need, a potential long-term client, and let’s not forget – revenue for your company. But with limited technicians and only so many hours in a day, how do you decide who gets help first? How do you manage the expectations of those you can’t immediately assist? And how do you do all this without burning out your techs or losing your sanity?

The art of prioritization: not all emergencies are created equal

Here’s a truth bomb: not every emergency is truly an emergency. Shocking, I know. But learning to prioritize calls effectively is your secret weapon in the battle against high season chaos.

Meet Sarah, a seasoned dispatcher at CoolBreeze HVAC. Last summer, she found herself drowning in a sea of panicked calls.

“I felt like I was disappointing everyone. Then I realized I needed a better system.”
– Sarah

Sarah’s realization led her to develop a priority list that transformed her approach to call handling. Let’s break it down:

VIP lane
Existing customers, members, older equipment, and callbacks These are your bread and butter. They’ve shown loyalty, and now it’s time to return the favor.

The “good karma” group
Customer referrals, friends and family, and those in need (elderly, disabled, health concerns). Word-of-mouth is golden in this industry. Plus, helping those in genuine need? That’s just good business (and good karma).

The pleasant bunch
Nice, kind, or reasonable people. As Sarah puts it, “I will not send my exhausted technician to any customer shouting at or intimidating CSRs (customer service representatives).” Amen to that!

The “patience is a virtue” crew
Tenants/landlords, rude people, anyone shopping around. They’ll get service, but they might need to wait a bit longer.

But prioritization isn’t just about categorizing callers. It’s also about asking the right questions to assess the true urgency of each situation.

Woman Dispatching At Work

The art of the (tactful) interrogation

When every caller insists their situation is DEFCON 1, how do you separate the true emergencies from the “inconvenient but can wait” scenarios? It’s all in the questions you ask.

For HVAC calls, try asking these questions:

  • What’s your thermostat set at, and what’s it actually reading?
  • How old is your equipment?
  • How many systems do you have?
  • Which areas of your home are affected?

For plumbing emergencies, try asking these questions:

  • Is water actively leaking? If so, from where?
  • Have you been able to turn off the water source?
  • Are multiple fixtures affected or just one?

Remember, your callers are stressed, so explain why you’re asking these questions. A little education goes a long way in building trust and managing expectations.

The standby strategy: turning disappointment into opportunity

Now, let’s talk about those calls you can’t immediately accommodate. This is where the standby list comes in – your secret weapon for turning potential disappointments into future wins.

Here’s how to pitch it: “Mr. Johnson, while we can’t get to you today, let’s get you on the schedule for later this week. This way, if you can’t find someone sooner, you’ll have peace of mind knowing we’ll be there on Friday. And here’s the best part – we’ll absolutely move you sooner if a spot opens up!”

This approach accomplishes several things:

  1. Provides a concrete solution, even if it’s not immediate.
  2. Keeps the customer in your system rather than losing them to a competitor.
  3. Creates flexibility in your schedule for true emergencies.

The power of honesty: managing expectations like a pro

In the heat of the high season (pun intended), honesty truly is the best policy. Customers appreciate transparency, even if the news isn’t what they want to hear.

Try this approach: “Mrs. Garcia, I want to be upfront with you. Our technicians are working incredibly hard in this heat, and we’re doing our absolute best to get to everyone as quickly as possible. We’re committed to getting you comfortable, and here’s what we can do…”

By acknowledging the situation and expressing empathy, you’re more likely to win understanding – and patience – from your customers.

Workiz: your high season secret weapon

Now, imagine having a tool that could help you implement all these strategies seamlessly. Meet Workiz, the field service management software that’s changing the game for dispatchers everywhere.

Let’s break down how Workiz can turn you into a high season hero

Scheduling calendar
No more juggling act! With Workiz’s intuitive calendar, you can easily spot gaps for emergency calls and quickly identify the nearest technician.

Online booking
Let customers book 24/7. Because emergencies don’t always happen during business hours.

Create leads and book jobs in seconds. Because in the world of emergencies, every second counts.

Genius leads
Quickly create a lead and book the job, all while you’re still on the phone with the customer. Talk about efficiency!

Centralized messaging center
Answer calls within seconds and never miss a job opportunity. Plus, with call flows, you can ensure each call reaches the right person, buying you precious time to prepare.

Requesting a review as soon as a job gets done, sending “on-my-way” texts to customers, improving communication and maximizing your techs’ time. No more waiting around for customers who forgot about the appointment!

Genius Call Insights
Get call summaries with extracted key details, for example important topics, questions, upsell opportunities, at-risk customers and more with AI.

Genius Smart Messaging
Get perfect context aware professional messages written for you with AI.

See how Workiz Communication works in action!

But don’t just take our word for it. Melissa Caravajal Perez, Operations Manager at Carvajal AC Mechanical Corp, had this to say:

“Workiz has increased our clientele and profitability in the high season. We became way more organized and we were better able to communicate with our clients and technicians, offering the best possible customer service.”
– Melissa Caravajal Perez


The numbers don’t lie.

Still not convinced? Let’s talk stats. Companies using Workiz have reported:

  • A 35% reduction in response times
  • A 28% increase in jobs completed per day
  • A 42% improvement in customer satisfaction ratings

Putting it all together: your high season action plan

So, how do you implement all this wisdom? Here’s your step-by-step guide:

  1. Create your priority list and make sure all CSRs understand it.
  2. Develop a list of key questions for each type of service call.
  3. Implement a standby list system.
  4. Train your team on honest, empathetic communication.
  5. Utilize Workiz to streamline your operations.

Remember, the goal isn’t just to survive the high season – it’s to thrive in it. With these strategies and tools, you can turn the chaos into an opportunity to showcase your exceptional and honest service.

Next steps

Ready to revolutionize your dispatch game? Here’s what you can do right now:

  1. Review your current prioritization system (or create one if you don’t have it).
  2. Role-play customer scenarios with your team to practice asking the right questions.
  3. Start a free trial of Workiz and see how it can transform your high season operations.

Don’t let another high season catch you off guard. With the right approach and tools, you can handle whatever challenges come your way. Remember, you’re not just a dispatcher – you’re the maestro of field service, the guardian of customer satisfaction, and the unsung hero of the high season.

So the next time those phones start ringing off the hook, take a deep breath, smile, and think to yourself, “I’ve got this.” Because guess what? You absolutely do.